With the constellation Cassiopaea (Cassiopeia) in the background overlain with a simple four-word quote that reminds us of the importance of acquiring knowledge and applying it every day. Often we tend not to notice an object that we use every day because our familiarity causes it to fade into the background. But if such an…
This gorgeous mousepad is delicately illustrated with an opaque pale green pastel-coloured spiral painted atop a flowing montage of curls, loops and leaves, with an arrangement of violet coloured flowers in the center. In black text, a short quote from theoretical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk follows the line of the spiral inwards and stands in sharp relief…
Beautifully serene background image overlain with one of the Cassiopaean's most inspiring quotes, reminding us to live fully and pay attention to the Universe. Printed Quote: “Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some…
A pink rose inside a red circle serves as a lovely centerpiece for this eye-catching design. With a warm, peach colored background, the Éiriú Eolas logo floats delicately upon a rippling pond, filling the viewer with a sense of peace and calm. Éiriú Eolas is a Gaelic word which means “Growth of Knowledge”. It refers to a…