Care for a little irony with your coffee? Not only does it add extra flavor and zest, it has zero calories, and can be enjoyed guilt free! Who doesn’t appreciate the subtle but hilarious twist of seeing pictures of a thing upon the very thing itself? It’s like painting your house with lots of pictures of different houses,…
This mug with its colorful characters and playful tones bring to life the magic of our imagination and of stories we have all but forgotten. But what is the story? As with all works of art, it is open to interpretation. This is a story that is true to its word, about a squirrel,…
Who remembers sitting in a darkened movie theater moments before the latest Apocalyptic blockbuster lights up the sliver screen holding a big bag of buttered popcorn on their lap? Transported to another universe watching our brave heroes face off against Zombies or Aliens or Mutant Killer Viruses or cataclysmic events. For two hours, immersed in…
A brand new design with another interesting quote from the Cassiopaeans. It tells us that by developing a strong will (like a Lion), one can exercise discipline to become a master of oneself. Being impeccable in one’s words and actions elevates a person so that they are no longer subject to the random vagaries of…
There is a Moroccan proverb which goes - "reading books removes sorrows from the heart”, and what better way to show your love for literature than by owning a sturdy metal bookmark imprinted with a high-resolution photo of the Heart and Soul nebula. This beautiful design is based on an image taken by NASA’s WISE…