• The Path of the Fool, the Hero's Journey, the Great Work -- by whatever name it takes, the path of self-development and growth of knowledge is one fraught with difficult lessons and intense struggle. But what exactly is the nature of those lessons, and what insights can the latest advances in modern science provide for…
  • Éiriú Eolas (DVD)

    14,00 incl. VAT
    Are you stressed? Do you suffer from chronic fatigue, conditions that your doctor cannot diagnose or that he thinks are "all in your head"? Are you in physical pain more often than not? Is your system toxified from living in today's polluted environment? Do you wish you could face life's challenges with greater calm and…
  • Evidence of Revision is a six part documentary containing historical, original news footage revealing that the most seminal events in recent American history have been deeply and purposefully misrepresented to the public. Footage and interviews provide an in-depth exploration of events ranging from the Kennedy assassinations to the Jonestown massacre, and all that lies between.…
  • 9/11

    27,00 incl. VAT
    In the years since the 9/11 attacks, dozens of books have sought to explore the truth behind the official version of events that day – yet to date, none of these publications has provided a satisfactory answer as to WHY the attacks occurred and who was ultimately responsible for carrying them out. Taking a broad,…
  • The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard…
  • The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard…
  • For psychologist and psychiatrist Kazimierz Dabrowski, personality is not a given – it must be consciously created and developed by the individual. In his second English-language book, Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration, first published in 1967, Dr. Dabrowski presents a comprehensive treatment of personality that is still relevant, perhaps more so today than when it was…
  • The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard…
  • Following the various clues given by the Cassiopaeans, Knight-Jadczyk includes email correspondence documenting the early stages of her research leading to the publication of her book The Secret History of the World, as well as illuminating the rationale behind the questions and answers in this year – a year that demonstrates the material manifestations of…
  • This little gem of a thesis by Carl Zohren, first published in 1910, was discovered by Laura Knight-Jadczyk during her research into the Roman Empire, and is now translated from German into English for the first time. Historian and philologist Luciano Canfora said about Caesar: “When they killed him, his assassins did not realize that…
  • Fear of the Abyss

    21,00 incl. VAT
    Most self-help or personal growth books help their readers learn to “cope” better with one specific problem that troubles them. In contrast, Fear of the Abyss offers healing for a wounded core by providing guidance to those with a certain constellation of issues, which Dr. Edwards calls the “PCS” personality. While perfectionism, control, and shame may be…
  • Notebook – Tree of Life

    20,00 incl. VAT
    This simply designed, hard cover notebook, imprinted on the front with the golden Tree of Life and on the back with an inspirational quote, is both durable and functional, whether being used as a diary or daily planner, it is firmly bound with rugged metal coils and small enough to carry in a purse or…
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