
  • As 2012 fast approaches, opinions about what to expect on this much-anticipated date are sharply polarized. Will humanity experience a global, spiritual transformation? Cataclysmic Earth Changes? Or both? Or nothing? If Earth and its inhabitants are scheduled for some life-changing or life-ending event, we should ask ourselves what we know and how we know it,…
  • From the myths of romance to the tales of the hero's journey, the quest for knowledge and being has always been portrayed in terms of struggle. Far from home, the hero faces obstacles and tests of his or her courage, will and cunning. But how do the labyrinths and monsters of those 'messages in a…
  • Why are we here? Why do we suffer? If this is an infinite school, what are we here to learn? And why do our efforts at "fixing" our lives often do exactly the opposite? As mystic and researcher Laura Knight-Jadczyk writes in this volume of her expansive Wave Series: "When you ask a question –…
  • The Path of the Fool, the Hero's Journey, the Great Work -- by whatever name it takes, the path of self-development and growth of knowledge is one fraught with difficult lessons and intense struggle. But what exactly is the nature of those lessons, and what insights can the latest advances in modern science provide for…
  • The Laura Knight-Jadczyk's series, The Secret History of the World, is one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken to provide a cogent, comprehensive account of humanity's true history and place in the cosmos. Following the great unifying vision of the Stoic Posidonius, Laura weaves together the study of history, mythology, religion, psychology and physics,…
  • High Strangeness

    27,00 incl. VAT
    High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction is an enlightening attempt to weave together the contradictory threads of religion, science, history, alien abduction, and the true nature of political conspiracies. With thorough research and a drive for the truth, Laura Knight-Jadczyk strips away the facades of official culture and opens doors to understanding…
  • In this volume of her prescient Wave series, Laura Knight-Jadczyk brings order to the chaotic and labyrinthine world of murder, conspiracy, and the paranormal. In a unique and probing synthesis of science and mysticism she presents a detailed series of case studies and application of her hypothesis of hyperdimensional influence. From interpersonal relationships and their…
  • The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard…
  • This little gem of a thesis by Carl Zohren, first published in 1910, was discovered by Laura Knight-Jadczyk during her research into the Roman Empire, and is now translated from German into English for the first time. Historian and philologist Luciano Canfora said about Caesar: “When they killed him, his assassins did not realize that…
  • Éiriú Eolas (DVD)

    14,00 incl. VAT
    Are you stressed? Do you suffer from chronic fatigue, conditions that your doctor cannot diagnose or that he thinks are "all in your head"? Are you in physical pain more often than not? Is your system toxified from living in today's polluted environment? Do you wish you could face life's challenges with greater calm and…
  • The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard…
  • Preface by Patrick Rivière If you heard the Truth, would you believe it? Ancient civilisations. Hyperdimensional realities. DNA changes. Bible conspiracies. What are the realities? What is disinformation? The Secret History of The World and How To Get Out Alive is the definitive book of the real answers where Truth is more fantastic than fiction.…
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